Sunday 1 October 2017

Art Therapy

After having a really tough time over the past couple of years due to being on antibiotics for far too long, and having to see doctors, attend clinics and change my diet to treat what cropped up I've been thrust back into the world of hospitals and dealing with a health issue rather than just maintaining stuff.

It's been nagging me at the back of mind for two years that styling is pretty egocentric, self serving and isn't doing anything to help humanity.  So after talking to a pharmacist one day and writing something for him to use in a presentation I had a Eureka moment and thought "why don't I train as an Art Therapist?!" so I searched online and quickly found a part time one at Glasgow Uni which I enrolled on and started last Thursday evening.  It was the introductory evening, where we had the course explained and did a little bit of art work, which was very tactile - making an image with a tub of sand.  My big idea is to be able to run workshops for kids with long term health issues much like myself - in and out of hospital and that being a massive part of your life - and I want to show them and their family life beyond these circumstances, and that life can be lived fully.  I want to use costume to put them into the character of a superhero or a king or queen and take charge of their domain, their existence, and see beyond their life now and what they can become.  I'm really looking forward to each part of the whole course to see how it develops and what I learn  from it, and hope to be able to become a brilliant art therapist as soon as possible.

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